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Welcome to the homepage of it.law, an offer by Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft. Our lawyers are specialists in IT Law; this page will give you a closer insight into our fields of activity and consulting in the area of IT Law.

IT Law (short for information technology law) is characterized by its diversity and has interdisciplinary features. It is not a clearly defined field of law; instead, IT Law includes several fields of law, such as domain, copyright, or telecommunications law. IT Law focuses on processes that are dominated by electronic data processing and the associated software or hardware. In short, IT Law extends to all forms and manifestations of electronic communication.
Since a separate law for the regulation of IT-related legal issues still does not exist, the general regulations, in particular the German Civil Code with its general provisions on contracts for work, services, rent and purchase continue to apply.
Because often these regulations do not fit IT-related services 100%, it is virtually required to draft specialized contracts in this area.
Since nowadays almost no company can do without a digital infrastructure, we are happy to assist you in the drafting, review, and negotiation of IT contracts of all kinds. Data protection must be kept in mind in all legal questions concerning information technology. Therefore, our lawyers are not only specialists in IT Law, but some of them also focus on data protection law.
As part of IT Law, we offer, amongst others, the following services for software development and distribution as well as data protection.